Co-Ed Soccer Rules - 6 on 6
- 6 PLAYERS (4 guys and 2 girls)
The team that wins the coin toss or (RoSham-Bo) at the start of the game will have first choice to kick-off or choose a goal to defend.
Consists of the ball being placed at midfield. The ball may be passed backwards on the kick-off.
- Ball size = 5
- Each team shall field no more than 6 players (4 guys/2 girls) at any one time. Teams that play with less than 2 females will play short. No more than 4 guys on the field at any time. There is no limit for females. You can have up to 6 females and no guys if you want. Teams may play with a minimum of 4 people (1 has to be female).
Play will be divided into (2) 30-minute halves separated by a brief halftime. There will be a running clock maintained by a referee who will advise both teams when there is one minute remaining in each half. The clock will stop during injury time-outs. Any delay tactics, (kicking the ball far out of bounds) will allow the referee (at his/her discretion) to stop the clock.
Regular season games ending in a tie score will be recorded as tie games. Sudden death will be used in the playoffs. A sudden death play-off will involve a five-minute sudden death overtime. If neither team scores after one overtime period, teams will go into a shootout.
- Each team selects 4 players players don't have to have been playing at the end of regulation. A coin toss will decide which team shoots first. The referee will decide which goal to shoot at.
- Teams will alternate taking direct penalty shots from the penalty spot.
- If tied after the 1st round, the 2nd round will be SUDDEN DEATH (i.e. 1st player from Team A scores & 1st player from Team B misses - Team A wins.) Players who shot in the 1st shootout are not eligible to shoot again until all remaining players present have shot. If and when 1 team begins to utilize players for the second time, the other team may "recycle" players as well. Thus, some players on the team with more people present, may or may not shoot.
All substitute players must notify the ref before entering the game.
Substitutions may occur during any stoppage of play. Stoppages such as:
-Scoring of goals
-Goal kicks
There is no substituting "on the fly".
Teams are allowed to have a goalkeeper.
A goal box will be marked off in front of each goal. The goal box is open to play.
There is offsides.
Anytime the ball goes over either sideline, out of bounds, a throw- in will ensue. The person throwing in the ball must throw the ball overhead with both hands and keep both feet remaining on the ground out-of-bounds until the ball is released.
Anytime the ball crosses an end-line, a corner kick or goal kick will ensue.
- Last touched by a defender- a corner kick. Ball is placed on nearest corner and kicked in by offensive team. Goals may be scored on corner kicks. All players must be outside the goal box until the ball enters the goal box and the defense must be at least 4 paces from the corner.
- Last touched by attacker. A goal kick by the defense.
---------------------------------------------------------------------LEAGUE POLICIES-------------------------------------------------------------------------
During the regular season games are to be played within time allotted (warm up time is included)
The West Shore Soccer League will provide a paid referee(s) for each soccer match. Referee(s) will have final say in any judgment call or issue regarding rules. Refs have the power to remove any player(s) from a game and/or the league, if deemed necessary. Any rules clarification must be brought to the attention of League staff member prior to the continuance of the game.
If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply:
First Offense: Loss of game in standings and warning issued.
Second Offense: Loss of game and staff reserves the right to remove team from playoffs.
Third Offense: Removal from the league.
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game.
Teams have until ten minutes past the designated start time to field a full squad (minimum number of players required according to the rules).
The updated standings will be posted weekly, displaying each teams rank within its skill level.
All eligible teams make the playoffs (teams that have not abused any policies are eligible).
In certain situations teams at or near the bottom of the standings may not advance to the playoffs.
Seeding: Teams are seeded according to rank.
For ties in playoffs refer to soccer rules.
Teams may play more than one game per day. If a team does not have a full squad minimum number of players required according to the rules) by ten minutes past the designated start time, they will forfeit the game (per staff & opposing team captain). Teams winning by forfeit will still be required to ref.
Any questions regarding rules, policies, or eligibility must be addressed before the start of the game.
A formal protest may be filed before a game if an opposing player's eligibility is in question. The player in question will be required to provide his/her player information (name, address, phone #, signature) in writing to a League staff member prior to the start of the game. This qualifies as an official protest. The game will then be played in its entirety as scheduled. Teams will be notified of all rulings on the identified eligibility discrepancy by the following business day but decisions will not be made on site. If the protest is proven to be legitimate, it will result in the forfeiture of the game in question.
The idea of the West Shore Soccer League is to have fun and play soccer. We hope that all participants keep that in mind when becoming involved. Although the games may become intense, you still can be competitive while maintaining good sportsmanship. With this said, any behavior deemed unacceptable by staff may result in suspension and/or ejection from a game or the league.
To coordinate and run the league, our refs and/or staff will be available at all times to help the league run as smoothly as possible. If you have questions regarding schedules, policies, rule interpretations, directions to the bar, etc. please ask.
Games may be cancelled due to existing weather conditions, dangerous or unplayable field conditions, facility constraints, etc. The West Shore Soccer League staff makes every effort to play all scheduled games, thus we will not cancel games until absolutely necessary. Therefore, if you are calling concerning a decision on a cancellation, remember we will not have an answer until close to the start of the game. If the game is cancelled, League staff will change email all players and captains. If a game is cancelled on site, staff will attempt to contact those teams still scheduled to play the remainder of the league day/night. Depending on the time of cancellation, some teams will have to be notified on site. If we do cancel, follow next week's schedule (ex. If April 13 is cancelled teams should follow the April 20 schedule for their next game). The games that are cancelled will be made up at the end of the season if time allows. In extreme circumstances, league reserves the right to run a shortened season without a refund of schedule matches on days other than our regularly scheduled league day/night.
The top teams in each division will receive a prize of great emotional, spiritual, and most importantly, social value.
These policies are designed to make the league run as smoothly and safely as possible, and provide continuity for its participants. Each player in the league is responsible for this information: please advise your team of these rules and thanks for playing.